Tips to get more and better responses

It's pretty common for people to wait until the last minute. So don’t be discouraged if friends and family have not yet responded in the numbers you had hoped!

Here are a few ideas you can use to increase response AND improve the quality of the video messages.

  • Include a video as part of your request: A video request from you achieves FAR better results than just a written message on your invitation page. It's easier to be more clear with what you're looking for as well as model to everybody how easy it is to do. If you haven't yet done this, it's not too late. Here is an example.
  • Update the invitation page — text and video — and send again. Update your invitation page as you get closer to the big day. You can change the text and the video to increase the sense of urgency. Once you've made a change to your invitation page, anybody that taps the link afterwards will see the new version. 
  • Resend the link. People often have good intentions, but when they don't get to something right away, they forget. And even worse, if they remember, they often don't know where to find the link. So don't be shy about sending follow up messages!
  • Ask your friends to forward the link. You may not know everybody, or have everybody's contact information, that might want to send a video message. Ask your friends and family to forward the link to anyone they think might want to contribute.
  • Accept messages after the “Contribute by” date. Even though you selected a date for contributions, you can always accept video messages at any time. That date is just to give your friends a guideline. Many users use a date about three days ahead of the big day. That will still give all your friends three days to do things at the last second 😄. They don't need to know that it's really easy for you to integrate late messages!

One more thing. You can see the list of people who already responded by going to your Process and Share tab and scrolling to the bottom.

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